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    01 April 2023Volume 11 Issue 4 Previous Issue   
    The Interactive Impact of Social Exclusion and The Emotion of Target Stimulus on Emotional Conflict Control
    ZHANG Ling, LI Wenjie, YANG Wenjian, MENG Xianxin
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (4):  193-202. 
    Abstract ( 377 )   PDF(pc) (1129KB) ( 609 )   Save

    The aim of the present study was to explore whether the impact of social exclusion on emotional conflict control varied depending on positive or negative target. Participants were divided into two groups according to two Cyberball paradigm conditions (social exclusion/ inclusion). Both groups were required to complete a face-word Stroop task. The results showed that when the target face was positively valenced, the Stroop effect was larger during social exclusion than during social inclusion. In contrast, when the target face was negatively valenced, the Stroop effect was similar during social exclusion and during social inclusion. These results suggest that the impact of social exclusion on emotional conflict control varies depending on positive or negative target. These findings may be helpful for our understanding of the role of social exclusion in emotional disorders.

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    The Influence of Social Distance on Altruistic Deception
    QI Dan, ZHAO Jingshi, HU Yue, WU Xuqiu, YUAN Bo
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (4):  203-211. 
    Abstract ( 300 )   PDF(pc) (1105KB) ( 609 )   Save

    Altruistic deception for the benefit of others is a specific type of deception, which is ubiquitous in daily life. However, it is unclear how social distance affects our altruistic deception. The current study used the coin guessing task to explore whether social distance (friend or stranger) would affect three types of altruistic deception (other-serving, self-harming-other-serving and self-serving-other-serving). The results showed that regardless of the social distance, when altruistic deception does not harm self-interest (e.g., other-serving and self-serving-other-serving deception), individuals would perform altruistic deception for the benefit of others. However, when altruistic deception harms one's own interests (self-harming-other-serving deception), individuals would not perform altruistic deception for the benefit of others, even the beneficiaries are their friends.

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    Characteristics of the Differential Effects of Inter-Out Group Evaluation in Low-status Groups
    JIAN Yue, ZHAO Yufang, BAI Jinhua
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (4):  212-221. 
    Abstract ( 160 )   PDF(pc) (1141KB) ( 455 )   Save

    According to social identity theory, group status is an important factor affecting the differential effects of inter-out group evaluation in low-status groups. The present study used two experiments to explore the characteristics of the differential effects of inter-out group evaluation in low-status groups both at the explicit and implicit levels. Experiment 1 selected low-status college students as participants and adopted the procedure dissociation procedure (PDP), to investigate the implicit and explicit trait processing of ingroup and outgroup. Experiment 2 adopted the task separation paradigm, from the explicit and implicit levels to explore the characteristics of the differential effects of inter-out group evaluation in low-status groups. The results of two experiments found that at the explicit level, the members of low-status group all have higher evaluation of outgroup, which is manifested as outgroup favoritism, but they do not devalue the ingroup, that is, no ingroup derogation. At the implicit level, the inter-out group effect on the competence dimension is characterized by outgroup favoritism and ingroup derogation, while the inter-out group effect on the warmth dimension is characterized by outgroup derogation. And the characteristics of the differential effects of inter-out group evaluation in low-status groups appeared the explicit and implicit separation. The two current experiments collectively illustrate the evaluation of low-status group members has content diversity and psychological differences between ingroup and outgroup.

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    The Construction of Competency Model of “12345” Civil Hotline Functionaries
    LIU Hongwei , WANG Guangxin
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (4):  222-233. 
    Abstract ( 211 )   PDF(pc) (1244KB) ( 762 )   Save

    The research on competency is helpful to improve individual work ability and organizational management level. In order to build the competency model of the “12345” civil hotline functionaries, the qualitative research method is adopted, and the appeal functionaries are taken as the research object, and the grounded theory is applied to analyze and theory construct from the case handling recording data and interview data of excellent functionaries in the platform of the Chaoyang District Urban Management and Supervision Center of Beijing. The research results are as follows: (1) Refine work motivation, appeal handling behavior, and interaction between the government and the people are three core areas. (2) The competency model is constructed from five dimensions: work motivation, problem-solving ability, emotional intelligence, communication ability and expression ability. The research compares and analyzes each competency dimension with previous theories, clarifies its role in the process of handling appeals, and complements the theoretical research of competency in China to some extent.

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    The Development and Preliminary Application of Team Involution
    ZHANG Yu, SUN Ting, ZHANG Xiaoqi, ZHAO Ran
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (4):  234-244. 
    Abstract ( 313 )   PDF(pc) (1309KB) ( 1733 )   Save

    With the intensification of the pressure of social competition, involution becomes a very common social phenomenon. In study 1, from the perspective of organizational behavior, we extracted the items of the team involution scale with qualitative interviews and questionnaires, then we developed a team internalization scale suitable for enterprise employees. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis showed that the team involution scale is composed of two dimensions: over-refinement and over-competition, and the reliability and validity of the scale involution are acceptable. In Study 2, we further used the self-designed team involution scale to explore the mechanism of team involution on team performance. The results show that team job involvement and team negative emotion play parallel mediating roles in the relationship between team involution and team performance. On the one hand, team involution can improve employees’ team job involvement and further promote team performance. On the other hand, team involution can also trigger negative emotions and weaken team performance.

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    Routine Rule Violation: Its Effects and Psychological Mechanisms
    LIU Changjiang, WANG Fan, CHI Hongjuan, XIE Liqin
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (4):  245-256. 
    Abstract ( 320 )   PDF(pc) (1322KB) ( 1402 )   Save

    Violation of the rules occurs frequently in human daily life. Research in psychology and behavioral economics has demonstrated that rule violation can affect people’s perception and judgment, and lead to socially undesirable behaviors and self-interested behaviors. Three mechanisms have been provided to explain the psychological and behavioral effects of rule violation: cognitive mechanisms explain people’s cognitive processes and active adaptation to rule violations, social influence mechanisms emphasize the impact of others and social norms, and social learning mechanisms emphasize the effect of social learning strategies and reinforcement in social interactions. Future research should integrate existing theories, further investigate the cognitive mechanisms of rule violation, explore dynamic characteristics of social influence and learning after various rule violations, and try to improve external validity of experimental research.

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