According to social identity theory, group status is an important factor affecting the differential effects of inter-out group evaluation in low-status groups. The present study used two experiments to explore the characteristics of the differential effects of inter-out group evaluation in low-status groups both at the explicit and implicit levels. Experiment 1 selected low-status college students as participants and adopted the procedure dissociation procedure (PDP), to investigate the implicit and explicit trait processing of ingroup and outgroup. Experiment 2 adopted the task separation paradigm, from the explicit and implicit levels to explore the characteristics of the differential effects of inter-out group evaluation in low-status groups. The results of two experiments found that at the explicit level, the members of low-status group all have higher evaluation of outgroup, which is manifested as outgroup favoritism, but they do not devalue the ingroup, that is, no ingroup derogation. At the implicit level, the inter-out group effect on the competence dimension is characterized by outgroup favoritism and ingroup derogation, while the inter-out group effect on the warmth dimension is characterized by outgroup derogation. And the characteristics of the differential effects of inter-out group evaluation in low-status groups appeared the explicit and implicit separation. The two current experiments collectively illustrate the evaluation of low-status group members has content diversity and psychological differences between ingroup and outgroup.