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    03 January 2025Volume 13 Issue 1 Previous Issue   
    The Effect of Group Identity and Outgroups-Based Emotions on Group-Based Guilt
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2025, 13 (1):  1-8. 
    Abstract ( 111 )   PDF(pc) (880KB) ( 104 )   Save
    In order to explore the effect of group identity and outgroups-based emotions on group guilt, three experiments were conducted to investigate the common influence of different levels of group identity (Students of a College, College Students, Chinese) and out groups-based emotions (disappointment, anger) on group guilt. The results showed that group identity has a positive promoting effect on group guilt, and this effect remains stable at different levels of group identity; the disappointed emotion of outgroups will only promote group guilt among members of the internal group at lower levels. The research results help to further reveal the mechanism of group guilt and provide some reference for transforming this mechanism into handling intergroup conflicts.
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    The Association between Loneliness and Physical Health-Related Quality of Life in Older Adults: A Longitudinal Study
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2025, 13 (1):  9-17. 
    Abstract ( 65 )   PDF(pc) (912KB) ( 110 )   Save
    This study aims to explore the longitudinal impact of loneliness on physical health-related quality of life among older adults and to investigate the mechanism. A total of 276 elderly people in Guangdong Province were recruited at baseline and were followed up 9 months later. Participants were assessed using the physical health subscale of Medical Outcomes Study 12-item Short-form Health Survey, UCLA Loneliness Scale, FATE Scale, and Patient Health Questionnaire Scale. The results showed that: (1) Loneliness negatively predicted the elderly’s physical health-related quality of life over time; (2) Fatalism moderated the concurrent relationship between loneliness and physical health-related quality of life, and low fatalism could buffer the concurrent negative impact of loneliness on physical health-related quality of life; (3) Depression completely mediated the longitudinal relationship between loneliness and long-term physical health-related quality of life. The results of this study provide longitudinal evidence for the relationship between loneliness and physical health-related quality of life, and are salutary for the improvement of physical health function and the promotion of active aging.
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    The Influence of Psychological Essentialism on Cultural Confidence
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2025, 13 (1):  18-24. 
    Abstract ( 44 )   PDF(pc) (893KB) ( 52 )   PDF(mobile) (893KB) ( 8 )   Save
    Essentialism is an important cognitive method for humans to form conceptual categories, and it remains unknown whether it contributes to the formation of cultural confidence. This paper aimed to explore the role of psychological essentialism on the formation of cultural self-confidence through two studies. The first study found that manipulating cultural essentialism can statefully alter an individual's cultural self  confidence, and that cultural self-confidence significantly increased as cultural essentialism increased. The second study revealed that alterations in personality essentialism, which pertains to non-cultural domains, did not influence individuals' cultural self-confidence. These findings imply that essentialism plays a role in the formation of an individual's cultural self-confidence and that its effects are cultural domain specific.
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    The Effect of Sense of Power on Executive Function of Middle School Students with Low Socioeconomic Status and Urban-Rural Differences
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2025, 13 (1):  25-34. 
    Abstract ( 55 )   PDF(pc) (980KB) ( 57 )   Save
    How to narrow the gap between the development levels of urban and rural secondary school students has become a focus of attention for all sectors of society. Study 1 examined the effects of family socioeconomic status on the executive function of middle school students, and Study 2 examined the effects of sense of power and area type on the executive function of middle school students with low family socioeconomic status. The results found :(1) there is a negative effect of low family socioeconomic status on middle school students' executive functioning; (2) there is a moderating effect of sense of power in the effect of type of region on the executive functioning of middle school students with low family socioeconomic status. Therefore, increasing the sense of power can help to shorten the development gap between urban and rural secondary school students with low family socioeconomic status in the short term.
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    The Antecedent Mechanism of Cyber-ostracism Based on Qualitative Analysis
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2025, 13 (1):  35-43. 
    Abstract ( 41 )   PDF(pc) (927KB) ( 40 )   Save
    Based on the basis of grounded theory, the present study conducted a qualitative analysis using NVivo software, to explore the antecedent mechanism of cyber-ostracism. The analysis encompassed research papers, in-depth interviews, and social media posts. The results showed that attribution tendency towards the excluder is a crucial factor influencing cyber-ostracism within the online interaction context. Notably, individuals with a high image consciousness might exhibit strong rejection sensitivity, making them more prone to negative attribution and falling into self-denial. This, in turn, leads to an increase in negative emotions, thereby exacerbating cyber-ostracism. Conversely, increasing sense of appreciation, high quality real-life interpersonal relationships and a close real-life relational distance with interaction partners can reduce negative attributions towards the excluder, helping to alleviate or prevent cyber-ostracism. Additionally, network development, network characteristics, and usage characteristics also contribute to the occurrence of cyber-ostracism to a certain extent. The findings of the study not only provide a theoretical research framework for subsequent empirical research but also offer valuable insights for addressing issues of cyber-ostracism.
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    Exploration of the Structure of Creative Metacognitive Strategy Knowledge and Scale Development
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2025, 13 (1):  44-55. 
    Abstract ( 46 )   PDF(pc) (1013KB) ( 47 )   Save
    Creative metacognitive strategy knowledge is a key factor in managing uncertainty, solving complex problems, and fostering creative thinking. Based on relevant theories and qualitative interviews from both domestic and international sources, our study developed a structural framework for creative metacognitive strategy knowledge and designed an assessment scale tailored for undergradur ates. Through analy Zing the data from 2,530 undergraduates, a formal scale was ultimately developed, which includes two subscales
    for knowledge types and application of creative metacognitive strategies, with a total of 36 items. Through exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and rigorous tests of reliability and validity, the scale demonstrated strong item discrimination, internal consistency, stability, structural validity, and criterion-related validity. These findings indicate that the scale is a reliable and effective tool for assessing creative metacognitive strategy knowledge in university students.
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    Intervention Strategies for Unhealthy Eating Behaviors: An Overview Based on The Elaborated Intrusion Theory
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2025, 13 (1):  56-64. 
    Abstract ( 65 )   PDF(pc) (1017KB) ( 89 )   Save
    Unhealthy eating behavior is one of the major challenges in the field of global public health, and how to effectively promote healthy eating behavior has become an urgent and important issue to address. The theory of the elaborated intrusion proposes that food craving involves two stages: firstly, food cues trigger intrusive images, and then individuals elaborate on these images. Based on the elaborated intrusion theory for food craving, this study systematically reviews existing dietary behavior intervention strategies, explores
    the relationships between these strategies, and discusses potential directions for future research, providing a framework for more effective development and implementation of strategies to promote healthy eating behavior.

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