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    01 November 2023Volume 11 Issue 11 Previous Issue   
    The Influence of Voice Onset Time on Categorization Perception of Plosives in Native and Non-native Chinese Speakers
    LU Lingxi, CHEN Liangjie, JIN Yangping
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (11):  641-649. 
    Abstract ( 142 )   PDF(pc) (1325KB) ( 380 )   Save

    This study investigated the categorical perception of plosives in native and non-native Chinese speakers by manipulating Voice Onset Time (VOT) using a psychophysical experimental paradigm. The results showed no difference between native and non-native Chinese speakers in their 50% perceptual threshold for plosive discrimination. Slope analysis revealed that native speakers were more sensitive to VOT changes near the threshold, consistent with the characteristics of categorical perception of plosives. However, this phenomenon was not observed among non-native speakers, as their pattern of plosive judgments due to VOT variation was smoother. These findings highlight differences in plosive perception between native and non-native Chinese speakers, with non-natives being less sensitive to VOT cues for distinguishing plosives. This phenomenon should be taken into account in future Chinese language teaching for non-native speakers.

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    The Influence of Parent-child Attachment on Psychological Commissioners’ Competency: A Moderated Mediation Model
    YU Zhanyu, ZHANG Linran, MA Yue
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (11):  650-659. 
    Abstract ( 192 )   PDF(pc) (1061KB) ( 841 )   Save

    The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of parent-child attachment on psychological commissioners’ competency, and the mediating role of interpersonal acceptance and the regulating role of psychological boundary. 1466 college psychological commissioners were investigated by Parent-child Attachment Questionnaire, psychological boundary questionnaire, interpersonal acceptance scale and the Questionnaire of Psychological Commissioners’ Competency. The results showed that: (1) Parent-child attachment positively predicted psychological commissioners’ competency; (2) Interpersonal acceptance partially mediates the relationship between parent-child attachment and psychological commissioners’ competency; (3) The second half of the indirect effect of parent-child attachment and psychological commissioners’ competency is regulated by psychological boundary, indicating that with the improvement of the clarity of psychological boundary, the influence of interpersonal accommodation on the psychological commissioners’ competency can be effectively promoted. Therefore, there is a mediating effect between parent-child attachment and the psychological commissioners’ competency. The research provides new ideas for the selection and training of psychological committee members in colleges and universities.

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    Users’ Ambivalent Attitude Toward Robots and Its Origins: An Explanation of Role Theory

    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (11):  660-672. 
    Abstract ( 230 )   PDF(pc) (1130KB) ( 769 )   Save

    Robots have been playing an increasingly important role in manufacturing, children’s education, elderly companionship, and the digital economy. However, robots are not always approved and accepted by every individual, and a considerable number of people are concerned about the influences of the wide application of robots. According to role theory, individuals’ cognition of robots’ roles should be an important explanation. The related literature was systematically searched and analyzed. It was found that, for the roles of robots, individuals may construct a robot as a tool or a partner, which will result in different trust modes for robots and affect individuals’ attitudes and behavioral tendencies toward robots. This explanation can help improve the understanding of human-robot interaction and the development of the robot industry. Future studies should investigate the models of human-robot interactions, the origins and influences of robots’ roles, the influences of robots’ roles on socialization, and the ethical dilemmas caused by robots.

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    Mental Health Assessments Based on Online Search Data During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Literature Review
    XU Zhiyun, LIU Ziyuan, WANG Yan
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (11):  673-684. 
    Abstract ( 186 )   PDF(pc) (1122KB) ( 794 )   Save

    The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a significant challenge to public mental health. Therefore, the assessment of mental health in the pandemic is critical. Online search data, as a type of big data, has been applied to psychological research in recent years. Current research on the assessment of mental health in the pandemic based on online search data can be summarized into three categories: comparative studies over time, studies on the correlation between the pandemic and mental health, and validation studies on the validity of online search data, some of which also include spatial comparison, and there are inconsistencies among the above studies. Online search data has the advantages of objectivity, high ecological validity, high temporal resolution, the reflection of users' psychological motivations, and easy availability. Future research on online search should fully use its advantages, improve its reliability and validity, and continue exploring its underlying mechanisms.

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    New Methods for Q-matrix Validation Based on Random Forest
    QIN Haijiang, Guo Lei
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (11):  685-704. 
    Abstract ( 132 )   PDF(pc) (3108KB) ( 408 )   Save

    Q-matrix is the core of cognitive diagnosis, and the Q-matrix constructed by experts usually has certain misspecifications, which will reduce the estimation accuracy and thus needs to be validated. New machine learning-based Q-matrix validation methods (RF-P, RF-L, and RF-R) is proposed using the random forest (RF) algorithm with PVAF, log-likelihood, and modified R statistics as the feature training models, and simulation and empirical studies are conducted to verify the performance. The results show that (1) the accuracy, recall, precision, F1, Kappa of the three models are above 0.75; (2) in the simulation study, the new methods based on the three RF models have better validation performance than the Wald-XPD method, which was latest published, among which RF-R has the best performance; (3) in the empirical study, RF-R suggested a more reasonable Q matrix with optimal model-data fitting results.

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