心理技术与应用 ›› 2019, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (3): 149-157.doi: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2019.03.003

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中学生关系攻击行为: 道德推脱的预测作用


  1. (上饶师范学院教育科学学院,上饶 334001)
  • 出版日期:2019-03-01 发布日期:2019-03-01
  • 基金资助:

Relational Aggression of Middle School Students: the Prediction Role of Moral Disengagement

  1. (School of Education Science, ShangRao Normal University, ShangRao 334001, China)
  • Online:2019-03-01 Published:2019-03-01

摘要: 道德推脱是指个体采用重新解释不道德行为、歪曲不良后果或贬低受害者等认知机制减少自己在不道德行为中的责任,关系攻击则指个体以操纵或破坏他人人际关系为目的而采取的隐蔽性攻击行为。为探索道德推脱与中学生关系攻击行为的关系,以江西省1087名中学生为被试,采用关系攻击的情境故事测验法和道德推脱问卷分别测量道德推脱与关系攻击行为。结果发现,道德推脱的三个维度,即道德合理化、模糊因果关系及曲解有害影响,均显著正向预测关系攻击行为; 男生的道德推脱水平显著高于女生,关系攻击行为则不存在性别差异; 农村学生的关系攻击行为水平及模糊因果关系和曲解有害影响两种道德推脱水平均显著高于城市学生。

关键词: 道德推脱, 关系攻击行为, 性别差异, 城乡差异

Abstract: Moral disengagement involves a process of cognitive re-construing or re-framing of destructive behavior as morally acceptable. Relational aggression is a type of conceal aggression in which harm is caused by damaging someone's relationships or social status. The study used situational experiment and questionnaire methods to explore the impact of moral disengagement on relational aggression. Data were collected from 1087 middle school students. Results demonstrated that moral disengagement could significantly predict all three dimensions of relational aggression, including moral justification, blurring causality and distorting harmful effects. Male students got significantly higher scores on moral disengagement than female students, but there was no gender difference on scores of relational aggression. Students from rural areas got significantly higher scores on relational aggression than students from cities, the same results also found on scores of distorted harmful effects and obscuring causal relationship.

Key words: moral disengagement, relational aggression, gender difference, rural-urban difference


  • B849
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