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    01 August 2018Volume 6 Issue 8 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2018, 6 (8):  449-449. 
    Abstract ( 667 )   PDF(pc) (2175KB) ( 301 )   Save
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    The Definition and Triarchic Structure of Financial Literacy
    XIN Ziqiang, ZHANG Hongchuan, SUN Ling, YU Yonghong, XIN Zhiyong
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2018, 6 (8):  450-458.  DOI: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2018.08.001
    Abstract ( 858 )   PDF(pc) (650KB) ( 1356 )   Save
    Since the begging of economic research on financial literacy in 1990s, this field has made a great progress in empirical investigation. However, psychological research on financial values has been developing along an independent path. By now, there is no any fundamental theoretical breakthrough in integrating two approaches. In this paper, we first systematically review the previous literature of financial literacy, then integrate the two different human nature views (homo economicus vs. homo sociologicus) rooted in economics and psychology to reconceptualize financial literacy, and propose a triarchic structure: Financial literacy is a composite consisting of financial knowledge, financial capacities, and financial values.
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    The Concept, Construct and Measurement of Financial Knowledge
    SUN Ling, SONG Xiaoxing, ZHOU Zhanqiang, MENG Xiangyi, XIN Ziqiang
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2018, 6 (8):  459-464.  DOI: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2018.08.002
    Abstract ( 460 )   PDF(pc) (589KB) ( 1463 )   Save
    Financial knowledge is an important part of the “triarchic structure” of financial literacy. Existing studies have some confusions in the concept, construct, and measurement of financial knowledge. This article reviews the literature in this field, and proposes that financial knowledge needs to be distinguished from financial capabilities and general capabilities, and focus on important financial concepts and principles that are closely related to the daily lives of Chinese citizens. Its structure contains the following four aspects, daily income and expenditure, financial management, risk prevention and financial landscape. Future research should use this framework as a basis to establish a standardized financial knowledge test to further verify the rationality of this content structure, and to examine the relationship between financial knowledge and financial capabilities, financial values, and the predictive role to financial behavior.
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    Financial Capacity Based on the Rational Decision-Making View: Concept, Construct and Measurement
    ZHANG Hongchuan, SU Song, LV Jieyu, ZHANG Mei, XIN Ziqiang
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2018, 6 (8):  465-471.  DOI: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2018.08.003
    Abstract ( 704 )   PDF(pc) (614KB) ( 831 )   Save
    Financial literacy is an important topic that attracted wide attention recently across different countries. However, researchers in this field made a mistake of argument circular in defining and assessing this concept, by confusing one of its key components, financial capacity with financial behavior. To this end, we reviewed existing literature and proposed a new framework based on the rising behavioral economics. This framework deemed financial capacity as a multi-component structure, with rational decision making as its core capacity, and financial reading, numeracy, risk management and self-control as its peripheral capacities. We then discussed the question of assessing each of the five financial capacities.
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    Research Progress and Conceptual Construct Analysis of Financial Values
    XIN Zhiyong, YU Yonghong, XIN Ziqiang
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2018, 6 (8):  472-483.  DOI: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2018.08.004
    Abstract ( 573 )   PDF(pc) (709KB) ( 1073 )   Save
    Financial values can be defined as a set of values by which individuals perceive, evaluate, and choose individual financial activities, such as wealth acquisition and wealth utilization. There exist two approaches in the extant literature: Research at the macro level has treated financial values as a factor of the general value system, while studies at the micro level have directly investigated a specific factor of financial values, such as materialism and money attitude. Unlike these previous studies at the macro and micro levels, we propose that it is necessary to explore the concept and construct of financial values at the meso level. In the current article, we reviewed the research advances on financial values at multiple levels, after which we defined the concept of financial values based on practical and theoretical analyses. Finally, we used content-construction approach to propose the construct of financial values, consisting of financial planning values, wealth values, and financial ethics values.
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    An Integrated Model of Emotion and Ration on Pro-environmental Behavior: The Role of Ecological Emotion Involvement
    ZHANG Jingjing, YU Zhenzhen, TIAN Hao
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2018, 6 (8):  484-492.  DOI: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2018.08.005
    Abstract ( 714 )   PDF(pc) (669KB) ( 800 )   Save
    In the study of Pro-environmental Behavior, the influence of rational cognitive factors has been dominant for a long time. The study used the Ecological Emotion Involvement Questionnaire and took the new energy electric vehicle purchase as an example. Using the Ecological Emotion Involvement Questionnaire, the New Ecological Paradigm Scale, Self-making of Cognitive Benefits Questionnaire, Positive and Negative Emotions Questionnaire and New Energy Electric Vehicle Purchase Intention. Using the whole group sampling method to survey the new energy automobile owners of automobile forums, QQ groups, WeChat groups, the purpose of the study is to explore the effects of rational factors (including environmental concern, cognitive benefits, etc.) and emotional factors (including positive emotions and negative emotions, etc.) on Pro-environmental behavior and to establish an integrated model of pro-environmental behavior. The results show that the rational integration model of emotion and ration on pro-environmental behavior includes five factors: ecological emotion involvement, environmental concern, cognitive benefits, positive emotion and purchase intention, which constitutes the three paths of the model. The five factors constitute three paths that affect pro-environmental behavior: “ecological emotion Involvement-rational cognition-behavior” path, “ecological emotion Involvement-positive/negative emotion-behavior” path and “ecological emotion Involvement-rational cognition-positive/negative emotion-behavior “path.”
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    The relationships among Feeling of the Passage of Time,  Time Perspective and Personality
    YU Xide, LU Cheng, GAO Dingguo
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2018, 6 (8):  493-502.  DOI: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2018.08.006
    Abstract ( 934 )   PDF(pc) (733KB) ( 1512 )   Save
    Feeling of the passage of time (FPT) is peoples experience and attitude towards the time elapsing, while, time perspective(TP), is a stable representation and action tendency to the past, the present and the future. A survey of western groups has shown that a balanced TP are related to a slower passage of the last ten years, vice versa. However, this conclusion has not been proved by standardized psychological measurement (especially towards the Chinese subjects). Using the method of questionnaire survey, our study has investigated the relationships between FPT and TP, the relationships between FPT and Big Five Personality in 928 Chinese college students. Our results showed that:1) the three dimensional structure in FPT did really exist, that is, “emotion”, “susceptibility” and “action tendency”; 2) Three dimensions in TP can positively predict the total scores of FPT, that is, “negative past”, “fatal present” and “future”; 3) “conscientiousness” and “neuroticism” in Big Five Personality can positively predict the total scores in FPT.
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    Analysis of the Present Situation and Trend of Psychology Researchin China in Recent 10 Years ——Take the Dissertation Distribution of the 14th-19th China Congress of Psychology as an Example
    WEI Xiao, LAN Jijun
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2018, 6 (8):  503-512.  DOI: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2018.07.007
    Abstract ( 1076 )   PDF(pc) (5244KB) ( 1103 )   Save
    The study made a visual analysis of the Abstracts of the Paper adopted by the Academic Committee of the China Congress of Psychology (CCP) through using information visualization tool CiteSpaceⅤ. The spatial and temporal distribution, research focus, major research field, research direction and evolution path of the field of psychology in China was analyzed by drawing knowledge maps and literature research methods. The results showed that:(1) normal university was the main force in the development of psychology in China; (2) the core authors were mostly college scholars and there was little cooperation between the core authors; (3) “values” would be a new topic in the future psychological research; (4)the future research focuses may include school mental health research, special group mental health research, social psychology research and the general application of research methods.
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