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    01 September 2018Volume 6 Issue 9 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    The Impact of Parental Leadership on Job Satisfaction: the Mediation Effect of Supervisor-subordinate Relationship
    LIU Yang, LIU Xiaomeng, LI Shuangyi, WAN Zaojun, YUAN Yuan
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2018, 6 (9):  513-521.  DOI: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2018.09.001
    Abstract ( 501 )   PDF(pc) (622KB) ( 1112 )   Save
    Paternalistic leadership is a way of showing stateliness, kindness and virtue, including three dimensions: authoritarian leadership, benevolent leadership and moral leadership. Authoritarian leadership requires subordinates to obey absolutely. Benevolent leadership can take care of the work and life of subordinates, and moral leadership can set a good example. In order to investigate the impact of paternalistic leadership on job satisfaction and the mediation effect of supervisor-subordinate relationship, through the questionnaire and experimental method, a total of 190, 248 and 217 employees in the enterprise in the two study were successively measured by paternalistic leadership, job satisfaction, paternalistic leadership situation stimulation material and single dimension scale on supervisor-subordinate relationship. The relevant analysis of these data was carried out in this article. The results showed that there is a significant negative correlation between authoritarian leadership and job satisfaction, and there is a significant positive correlation between benevolent leadership and moral leadership and job satisfaction.The supervisor-subordinate relationship played a part of mediating role between paternalistic leadership and job satisfaction.
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    The Relationships of Childrens Kinetic School Drawings and its Self-sense of Power
    HAN Pu, ZHANG Feng, LEI Xiuya
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2018, 6 (9):  522-527.  DOI: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2018.09.002
    Abstract ( 645 )   PDF(pc) (555KB) ( 759 )   Save
    To explore the characteristics of childrens kinetic school drawing tests and its relationship with self-sense of power. The study used the self-sense power questionnaire and the kinetic school drawings pointing test, the participants were 912 children from grade 3 to grade6. Results show that:(1)The size of teacher and themselves and friends of childrens kinetic school drawings were positively correlated with scores of the self-sense power scale;(2)yet there was insignificant correlation between the distance of childrens kinetic school drawings and scores of self-sense power scale. It suggests that the kinetic school drawing may reflect grade3-grade6 childrens self-sense of power.
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    Positive Self-presentation in Social Network Sites and Subjective Well-being:A Multi-mediation Model
    CHEN Bizhong
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2018, 6 (9):  528-536.  DOI: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2018.09.003
    Abstract ( 844 )   PDF(pc) (653KB) ( 2225 )   Save
    To explore the multiple mediating models of online positive feedback and social self-efficacy on the relationship between positive self-presentation in social network sites(SNS) and subjective well-being(SWB), this research adopted the SNS Positive Self-presentation Questionnaire, Online Positive Feedback Questionnaire, Scale of Perceived Social Self-efficacy, Scale of Positive and Negative Experience and Satisfaction With Life Scale to measure 373 college students. The results showed that: (1) SNS positive self-presentation was positively correlated to online positive feedback, social self-efficacy and SWB. (2) SNS positive self-presentation affected SWB not only directly but through two indirect paths: through the mediating role of social self-efficacy and the chain mediating roles of online positive feedback and social self-efficacy. The conclusion is that the relationship between SNS positive self-presentation and SWB was mediated by social self-efficacy solely and the online positive feedback and social self-efficacy jointly.
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    Effects of Encoding Strategies and the Salience of Cues on Prospective Memory
    HU Jinhui, XIN Cong, CHEN Youzhen
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2018, 6 (9):  537-542.  DOI: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2018.09.004
    Abstract ( 488 )   PDF(pc) (631KB) ( 439 )   Save
    The mixed experimental design of 2 (encoding strategies: verbal rephrase, writing)×2(the salience of cues: salient cue, non-salient cue) was used to explore the influence of different encoding strategies and the salience of cues on prospective memory. It was found that the main effect of the salience of cues are significant. Whether it was verbal rephrasing or writing encoding strategy, the response to salient cues was faster than non-salient cues; the main effects of the salience of cues on accuracy are significant, and the correct rate of salient cues is higher than non-salient cues; The main effects of accuracy of encoding strategies are significant under salient condition, and the accuracy of writing is higher than verbal rephrase. These results indicate that the salient condition has a promoting effect on prospective memory, and the effects of the two encoding strategies of writing and verbal rephrase are different from each other when the cues are salient.
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    The Effect of Stress on Implicit Time Underlying Different Dynamic Conditions
    YUAN Shangqing, SUN Tie, ZHENG Luming, XIAO Feng
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2018, 6 (9):  543-548.  DOI: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2018.09.005
    Abstract ( 353 )   PDF(pc) (680KB) ( 809 )   Save
    To investigate how stress affected implicit time perception, the participants, in the stress or neutral group triggered by movie clips, were required to judge whether abstract or concrete materials moved (forward, center, or backward) in the accelerating, constant, or decelerating conditions with different interval. The results showed that: in the constant and decelerating condition of the neutral group, the errors in the forward condition was greater than the one in the backward condition, the accelerating and constant conditions showed the same tendency in the stress group; the forward errors in the decelerating condition was smaller than the accelerating and constant conditions for the neutral group, while the stress group showed no differences among three dynamic conditions. The results indicated that stress violated implicit acceleration, reflecting the top-down interference affected implicit time, which supported cognitive model of time perception.
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    Conducting Psychological Studies via Open Data
    HUANG Zihang, , WANG Ke, CAI Huajian,
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2018, 6 (9):  549-569.  DOI: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2018.09.006
    Abstract ( 822 )   PDF(pc) (786KB) ( 1896 )   Save
    With the ongoing open data trend, various fields have published free public access data, providing new resources for psychological studies. At present, psychological field has not benefit much from this trend. This article collected and categorized databases that bear psychological value, introduced four methods to access open data, and listed examples from nine fields that utilized open data. Open data has the advantages of massive sample, flexible analysis and efficient execution, but also faces the challenges from data reuse reliability, psychological, protocol and technological issues.
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    Research on Spoken Word Comprehension in Visual World Paradigm
    LIN Tong, WANG Juan
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2018, 6 (9):  570-576.  DOI: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2018.09.007
    Abstract ( 534 )   PDF(pc) (582KB) ( 924 )   Save
    Visual world paradigm is an effective tool for research on spoken language comprehension, which integrates linguistic information with information derived from the visual environment. A great deal of visual world research has converged on lexical processing. Main areas of interests are activation of phonology, semantics and visual information. On the other hand, bilinguals and children also attract researchers attention. Research has found that childrens abilities to recognize phonology is similar to the level of adults. But childrens comprehension of semantics still drops behind adults. In bilingualism research, it is a critical question that whether lexical access in bilinguals is language-specific or alternatively both languages are active. Plenty of research has explored into the different bilinguals and find conflicting results. Importantly, the different visual stimuli, listening conditions and preview timing of visual world paradigm have a great impact on the results. Although many achievements of spoken word comprehension have been made in visual world paradigm, something in this area needs to be further investigated. Firstly, research on Chinese spoken word recognition can be strengthened. Secondly, special participants need more attention. Last but not least, future research ought to diversify visual scenes and listening conditions of visual world paradigm.
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