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    01 May 2023Volume 11 Issue 5 Previous Issue   
    Children's Number Line Estimation: The Influence of Different Ranges and Lengths Situations
    CAO Bihua, ZENG Ting, LIAO Hong, LI Fuhong
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (5):  257-270. 
    Abstract ( 206 )   PDF(pc) (1243KB) ( 693 )   Save

    The purpose of this study was to explore the representation models and estimation strategies in complex situations. A total of 127 children were selected to perform the number line estimation task. In two experiments, children were asked to estimate the position of numbers at different ranges (0~50 and 0 ~100) for a number line length of 10 cm and at different lengths (10 cm and 18 cm) for a number range of 0~100. The results showed that the absolute error percentage curve for children's estimation of 0~50 shows a straight line ascending, while the 0~100 shows an "M-shaped” pattern. Regardless of the change in number range or number line length, children can use estimation strategies such as mental length and proportion judgment, but they were more affected in different number ranges. These findings suggested that children can flexibly choose different estimation strategies according to the specific situation, which provides new evidence for overlapping wave theory.

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    The Effect of Media Report on the Formation and Transformation of Crime and Warmth Stereotype
    SONG Xiaoqing, BAI Jing, LI Ling, SONG Jingjing
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (5):  271-280. 
    Abstract ( 265 )   PDF(pc) (984KB) ( 1051 )   Save

    In order to explore the effect of news report on the formation and transformation of positive and negative stereotypes, experimental method was used to analyze the formation and transformation of criminal and warm stereotypes of fictitious groups. First, we presented eight media reports about this fictional group with different percentage of crimes and warmth reports, the participants were randomly divided into three groups: Criminal stereotype formation group, warm stereotype formation group, and control group. On the second day, we presented eight new media reports, three groups both read the same number of crimes reports and warmth reports about this fictional group when summed the data in these two days. The results showed that the media reports presented in the first day could effectively induce criminal stereotypes or warm stereotype. The media reports presented in the second day also induced the stereotype formed on the first day changed. On the second day, participants’ warmth evaluation to the crime stereotype formation group was significantly higher than the warmth stereotype formation group and control group, thus, our results confirmed the stereotype standard transformation model.

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    Harsh Parenting and Self-Injury in Early Adolescents:Mediating Effect of Negative Emotions and Moderating Effect of Classmate Support
    ZHU Xingning, WANG Yulong
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (5):  281-290. 
    Abstract ( 263 )   PDF(pc) (1070KB) ( 1005 )   Save

    The study explored the mechanism underlying the relationship between harsh parenting and early adolescent self-injury behavior. Participants were 1674 early adolescents who completed measures of harsh parenting, self-injury behavior, negative emotion, and classmate support. The results demonstrated that beyond the direct impact of harsh parenting on early adolescent self-injury behavior, harsh parenting also indirectly contributed to early adolescent self-injury behavior via the mediator of negative emotion. Classmate support moderated the relationship between harsh parenting and negative emotions as well as the relationship between negative emotion and self-injury behavior. Specifically, the predictive effect of harsh parenting on negative emotion increased and the predictive effect of negative emotion on self-injury behavior decreased as classmate support grew. In conclusion, negative emotion plays a partial mediating role in the relationship between harsh parenting and early adolescent self-injury behavior, and classmate support moderates this mediating effect.

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    Effect of Ego-identity on Meaning in Life of High School Students: Positive Psychological Capital and Career Adaptability as Chain Mediator 
    YU Xiaolin, WANG Shuxian
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (5):  291-300. 
    Abstract ( 302 )   PDF(pc) (1153KB) ( 1440 )   Save

    To explore the effect of ego-identity on meaning in life as well as the chain mediating effect of positive psychological capital and career adaptability in high school students, 810 high school students were investigated with ego-identity scale, positive psycap questionnaire, career adaptability scale and meaning in life questionnaire. The results showed that ego-identity positively predicted meaning in life. Psychological capital and career adaptability, both independently and serially, mediated the association between ego-identity and meaning in life. These results showed that ego-identity has a certain enhancing effect on meaning in life of high school students, and this effect is formed by improving positive psychological capital and career adaptability.

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    Comprehensive Evaluation of Driving Psychological Characteristics and Its Prediction
    ZHENG xinyi, KANGliangkai, JIANmeiling, YANGyanqun
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (5):  301-310. 
    Abstract ( 226 )   PDF(pc) (1987KB) ( 445 )   Save

    Road traffic death is one of the top ten causes of death in the world. The prediction of driving performance by individual psychological characteristics and timely intervention or training can reduce traffic accident casualties to a certain extent. The VIENNA TEST SYSTEM was used to collect the data on 8 psychological characteristics of the tested group, and the analytic hierarchy process was used to obtain the comprehensive indicators of driving psychological ability characteristics and establish the comprehensive evaluation grade. Then, a simulated driving experiment was set up to collect the driving behavior performance, cognitive load and driving experience of the subjects, so as to explore the influence mechanism of drivers' psychological ability characteristics on driving behavior performance. The study found that the comprehensive evaluation of driving psychological ability can predict the performance of driving behavior to a certain extent, and it is mediated by cognitive load, and is moderated by the adjustment of driving experience.

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    Spillover Effects in Environmental Behavioral Interventions: A Dual Pathway Model
    WAN Fenghua, CHEN Sijing
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (5):  311-320. 
    Abstract ( 343 )   PDF(pc) (1149KB) ( 986 )   Save

    Spillover effects in environmental behavioral interventions refer to interventions that target behaviors that have some effect on non-target behaviors. According to the direction of influence, the spillover effect can be divided into positive spillover and negative spillover. A dual-path model with moral self-image as the pivot showed that the intervention produced positive spillover through individuals' self-identity and negative spillover through moral license. Self-efficacy, behavioral difficulty, and behavioral similarity influenced the above processes to varying degrees. Further integration of definitions regarding spillover effects, harmonization of behavioral measures, and inclusion of affective factors in the framework are important directions for future research.

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