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    01 July 2020Volume 8 Issue 7 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    The Reliability and Validity Tests of Chinese Physician-Patient Social Mentality Questionnaire-Patient Section in Minority Areas
    LIU Ying, WANG Xinjian
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2020, 8 (7):  386-396.  DOI: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2020.07.001
    Abstract ( 285 )   PDF(pc) (631KB) ( 545 )   Save
    In this study, we translated the “Chinese Physician-Patient Social Mentality Questionnaire-Patient Section” into Uighur, Kazak and Tibetan versions. With 263(Uighur), 223(Kazak), 372(Tibet) valid samples, the reliability and validity of “Chinese Doctor-Patient Social Mentality Questionnaire-Patient Section” of the three versions were tested, respectively. Results show that this questionnaire and its subscales are with good reliability(>07) and validity(χ2/df<5, GFI, AGFI, CFI, and NNFI are larger than 08, RMSEA<008, and SRMR<006), which means that this questionnaire can be used in the corresponding minority areas. This study provides a preliminary tool for the measurement of doctorpatient social psychology in these minority areas, which is conducive to the collection of more targeted data on physician-patient social mentality and conduct corresponding research in a wider range of China. Furthermore, it can be helpful to provide references for future targeted management and policy formulation.
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    Measurement Invariance of the Chinese Physician-Patient Trust Scales Across Gender
    ZHANG Zirui, LV Xiaokang
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2020, 8 (7):  397-405.  DOI: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2020.07.002
    Abstract ( 381 )   PDF(pc) (607KB) ( 1200 )   Save
    In order to further verify the factor structures of the Chinese physician-patient trust scales and test the measurement invariance of the scales across gender, the single-group confirmatory factor analysis and measurement invariance test were performed with the participation of 3787 physicians and 4502 patients. Results show that both the two-factor model of the Chinese physician-patient trust scale(physicians trust scale) and the one-factor model of Chinese physician-patient trust scale(patients realistic trust subscale, patients presupposed trust subscale) fit well. In addition, the morphological equivalent model, weak equivalent model, strong equivalent model, and strict equivalent model across gender are all acceptable. Therefore, the measurement invariance of the physicians and patients scales of Chinese physician-patient trust scale held across genders.
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    Measurement Invariance of the Sub-questionnaires of Chinese Physician-Patient Social Mentality Questionnaire Across Gender
    JIANG He , ZHAO Li
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2020, 8 (7):  406-413.  DOI: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2020.07.003
    Abstract ( 349 )   PDF(pc) (602KB) ( 872 )   Save
    In order to further verify the factor structures of the sub-questionnaires of Chinese physician-patient social mentality questionnaire, and to test the measurement invariance of the questionnaire in different genders, 3787 physicians and 4502 patients were tested in this study. A validation factor analysis and a measurement invariance test were performed. Results showed that the three-factor model of the physician-patient satisfaction-1(medical/patient version), and the three-factor model of the physician-patient satisfaction-2(patient version), the subscales of health notion(medical version/patient version) and the disease notion(medical version) were fitted well. The morphological equivalent model, weak equivalent model, strong equivalent model, and strict equivalent model of the physician-patient satisfaction-1(patient version), the physician-patient satisfaction-2(patient version), and the subscales of health notion(patient version) in different genders were all acceptable. These indicate that the measurement invariance of the aforementioned three questionnaires held across gender.
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    Current Status of Adolescents' “Short” Negative Physical Self and its Perception of Height and Identity
    WANG Caifeng , CUI Zhanling
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2020, 8 (7):  414-422.  DOI: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2020.07.004
    Abstract ( 424 )   PDF(pc) (1337KB) ( 614 )   Save
    The negative physical selfheight dimension scale and the height and identity perception test of unfamiliar faces were tested on adolescents to investigate their status of “short” negative physical self and their perception of others height and identity. It turns out that adolescents are generally dissatisfied with their height and the result is not influenced by age or gender but by the attractiveness of the face. Adolescents height and identity perception of the high-attractive unfamiliar faces is significantly better than that of the medium-attractive and the low-attractive unfamiliar faces. Under the same conditions in terms of the attraction, their perception of the males height is significantly higher than that in females. In the group of “short” negative physical selfscore participants, the height perception of the low-attractive female faces is significantly higher than that of the male faces. It shows that the phenomena of “short” negative physical self are general in adolescents and it affects the perception of the height and identity of unfamiliar faces, which is related to the concept of “beauty is high”; the more ‘short’ negative physical self, the more cognitive bias to the strangers height information.
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    The Effect of Perceived Social Support on Depression  among College Students: The Chain Mediating Effect of Social Avoidance and Distress and Core Self-evaluation
    SONG Cairong, CHEN Ming, LI Weiqiang, LI Lihong, LI Yuanyuan
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2020, 8 (7):  423-430.  DOI: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2020.07.005
    Abstract ( 611 )   PDF(pc) (635KB) ( 1180 )   Save
    To explore the relationships among perceived social support, social avoidance and distress, core selfevaluation and depression, 799 college students were surveyed with Perceived Social Support Scale, Social Avoidance and Distress Scale, Core Selfevaluations Scale and CES-D Scale. The results indicated that(1) Perceived social support and core selfevaluation were significantly negatively correlated with social avoidance and distress and depression, while perceived social support was significantly positively correlated with core selfevaluation; Besides, social avoidance and distress were significantly positively correlated with depression.(2) Perceived social support not only influenced depression through the direct path, but also through the indirect path of core selfevaluation, as well as the chain mediating path between core selfevaluation and social avoidance and distress.
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    Cognitive Process of Social Identification: Integrative Model of Social Identification
    XIANG Zhou, YAN Lei, ZHANG Yanhong, HU Xiuyin, WU Bowen , CHEN Wanyi, CHEN Sai, YANG Linchuan
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2020, 8 (7):  431-439.  DOI: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2020.07.006
    Abstract ( 620 )   PDF(pc) (686KB) ( 1082 )   Save
    The Integrative Model of Social Identification(IMSI) explores the cognitive process in which individuals integrate a social identity into their selfconcept.It constructs a relationship model between the three core variables of selfstereotyping, selfanchoring and social identification. The model not only systematically explains the cognitive process of social identification, but also solves related methodological problems, and provides research inspiration for other processes of social identification formation. Future research should provide more empirical evidence of the effectiveness of the dual cognitive path, enrich the boundary conditions of the dual cognitive path effect, and further expand the information source of the social identification cognitive path, so that the model can better explain the cognitive process of social identification.
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    Personality Origin, Diagnostic Research and Psychological Intervention of Hoarding Disorder
    XU Xiaoyu
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2020, 8 (7):  440-448.  DOI: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2020.07.007
    Abstract ( 539 )   PDF(pc) (673KB) ( 745 )   Save
    Hoarding tendency is the core symptom of hoarding disorder because individuals are overcollected and difficult to discard useless items. Hoarding disorder is a mental disorder that has only been independent of obsessive-compulsive disorder in recent years. There are individuals with hoarding disorder in our country, but at present, hoarding disorder has not been diagnosed as an independent mental disorder. This paper analyzes the personality root of hoarding tendency, introduces the diagnostic criteria and related research of hoarding disorder, and expounds the related psychological intervention methods and techniques used in hoarding disorder in foreign countries. It provides reference and reference for the establishment of corresponding diagnostic criteria for hoarding disorder and the treatment of hoarding disorder in China in the future.
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