The Reliability and Validity Tests of Chinese Physician-Patient Social Mentality Questionnaire-Patient Section in Minority Areas
LIU Ying, WANG Xinjian
Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2020, 8 (7):
DOI: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2020.07.001
In this study, we translated the “Chinese Physician-Patient Social Mentality Questionnaire-Patient Section” into Uighur, Kazak and Tibetan versions. With 263(Uighur), 223(Kazak), 372(Tibet) valid samples, the reliability and validity of “Chinese Doctor-Patient Social Mentality Questionnaire-Patient Section” of the three versions were tested, respectively. Results show that this questionnaire and its subscales are with good reliability(>07) and validity(χ2/df<5, GFI, AGFI, CFI, and NNFI are larger than 08, RMSEA<008, and SRMR<006), which means that this questionnaire can be used in the corresponding minority areas. This study provides a preliminary tool for the measurement of doctorpatient social psychology in these minority areas, which is conducive to the collection of more targeted data on physician-patient social mentality and conduct corresponding research in a wider range of China. Furthermore, it can be helpful to provide references for future targeted management and policy formulation.
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