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    01 November 2022Volume 10 Issue 11 Previous Issue   
    The Influence of Traditional Chinese Medicine Cultural Identity on Motivational Reasoning
    LIU Ying, CHEN Lijun, WANG Xinjian
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2022, 10 (11):  642-653. 
    Abstract ( 90 )   PDF(pc) (846KB) ( 325 )   Save

    Patient's cultural identity with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) may lead them to motivational reasoning in medical reasoning, get different reasoning conclusions from the same information. By comparing participants’ performance on self-designed medical valuation questions, it was found that on the questions with positive TCM clues, participants with high-level of culture identification of TCM give higher valuation and on the questions with negative TCM clues, participants with low-level culture identification of TCM give higher valuation, and participants were more inclined to believe that the feedback information inconsistent with their preconceived beliefs was false and that the feedback information consistent with their preconceived beliefs was true. The results show that people will selectively search, construct and receive relevant information because of the cultural identity of TCM.

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    The Effect of Leader-Member Exchange on Medical Representatives’ Turnover Intention #br#
    FU Chunye, ZHANG Yang, ZHANG Yarui, AI Juan
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2022, 10 (11):  654-662. 
    Abstract ( 155 )   PDF(pc) (721KB) ( 122 )   Save

    This study sought to investigate the significant determinants and mechanisms of turnover intentions among Chinese medical representatives. A convenience sample of 502 medical representatives based in Nanjing and Shanghai finished the questionnaire consisting of the Leader-Member Exchange Scale, the Turnover Intention Scale, the Organizational Identification Scale, and the Self-Perceived Employability Scale. The results from a moderated mediation model analysis showed that leader-member exchange reduced turnover intention through the mediation of organizational identification. At the same time, the increase in self-perceived employability weakened the effect of leader-member exchange on organizational identification. These findings offer the pharmaceutical industry practical managerial advice for lowering the turnover rate of medical representatives.

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    Validity and Reliability of the Chinese Version of the Health Compensation Belief Scale
    ZHANG Huijuan , ZHANG Kuo, ZHANG Shumin
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2022, 10 (11):  663-672. 
    Abstract ( 134 )   PDF(pc) (789KB) ( 468 )   Save

    The belief of health compensation is that individuals believe that the negative effects of unhealthy but pleasant behaviors can be compensated or offset by implementing healthy behaviors. The revised Health Compensation Belief Scale has 18 items, one item more than the original scale, including four factors: substance use, diet or sleep habits, stress, and weight management. Compared with the original scale, the revised health compensation belief scale adds an item in line with Chinese people's health compensation belief. The internal consistency reliability of the total scale and the four subscales ranges from 0.71 to 0.87, and the test-retest reliability of the total scale and the four subscales ranges from is 0.68 to 0.79. The revised scale has good reliability and validity, and is suitable for measuring Chinese people's belief in health compensation.

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    The Influence of Internet Medicine on the Governance of Doctor-Patient Social Mentality
    LYU Xiaokang, YANG Tingting, SHI Mengwei
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2022, 10 (11):  673-681. 
    Abstract ( 126 )   PDF(pc) (652KB) ( 206 )   Save

    Internet medicine is a new medical health service format integrated with internet information technology and traditional medical health services. It achieves the closed-loop operation of some medical behaviors in cyberspace. This transforms the diagnosis and treatment behavior in private space into the display behavior in public space, thus enhancing the performative nature of doctors' diagnosis and treatment behavior, which may deviate from the purpose of medical practice. This also strengthens the mediatization and platformization of doctor-patient communication, extending the medical supervision department from medical institutions to network platforms. All this poses new challenges to the governance of the doctor-patient social mentality. Therefore, working towards a new form of intelligent medicine, it is necessary to explore the unique mechanism in network dynamics and the governance model of the doctor-patient relationship of the network doctor-patient social mentality. And take the doctor-patient social mentality governance of network as an example to explore the new model of psychological intervention in social governance and social life.

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    Stronger Empathy and Better Peer Relationships? The Evidence from Three-Level Meta-analysis
    Yan Zhiqiang, Zhou Ke, Liu Sihang
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2022, 10 (11):  682-694. 
    Abstract ( 295 )   PDF(pc) (972KB) ( 709 )   Save

    Abstract: To investigate the relationship between empathy and peer relationships, we conducted a three-level meta-analysis. Through literature retrieval and screening, 29 studies and 57 effect sizes were obtained, with 15682 subjects. Results demonstrated that there is a moderate correlation between empathy and peer relationships (r = 0.24, p <0.001), and it is regulated by the dimensions of empathy, developmental stages, and measurement tools. These results suggest that empathy is closely related to peer relationships. Compared with affective empathy, the relationship between cognitive empathy and peer relationship was stronger. The relationship between empathy and peer relationship is the strongest in middle childhood, followed by preschool and puberty, and weaker in early adulthood. Compared with other measurement tools, the measurement tools which are more consistent with empathy and peer relationships conceptually and measurably, the correlation between empathy and peer relationships is higher, such as the Empathy Questionnaire developed by Rieffe, and the Friendship Quality Scale developed by Bukowski.

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    The Effect of Emotional Abuse on College Students’ Anxiety: The Role of Resilience and Sense of Security
    ZHANG Shanming, ZHANG Xiaolu, LUO Kuang, YANG Yuanhua
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2022, 10 (11):  695-704. 
    Abstract ( 279 )   PDF(pc) (791KB) ( 583 )   Save

    To explore the predictive effect of emotional abuse experience on college students’ anxiety and the mediating effect of resilience and sense of security, 1899 college students were investigated with Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-Short Form(CTQ-SF), Connor-Davidson resilience scale(CD-RISC), Security Questionnaire(SQ) and the 7-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) scale. The results showed that emotional abuse experience has a significant positive predictive effect on anxiety. Sense of security and resilience play intermediary roles between emotional abuse experience and anxiety, which are the independent intermediary role of resilience and sense of security, and the chain intermediary role of resilience and senseo of security. The results revealed the internal psychological mechanism of childhood emotional abuse affecting college students’ anxiety, which is beneficial to the practical intervention of anxiety.

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