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    01 August 2023Volume 11 Issue 8 Previous Issue   
    Relationship Between Parent-Child Perception Discrepancies in Parental Warmth and Children’s Emotional Adaptation:Evidence Based on Latent Profile Analysis
    ZHENG Tianpeng, SHEN Mengzhi, ZHOU Xinran, LIANG Lichan, BIAN Yufang
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (8):  449-459. 
    Abstract ( 230 )   PDF(pc) (1151KB) ( 838 )   Save

    To investigate the effects of parent-child perception discrepancies in parental warmth on children’s emotional adaptation, 2557 fifth-graders and their parents were surveyed with four items on parental warmth. Specifically, children were asked to complete the Child Depression Scale and the Subjective Well-Being Scale in the first year and the next year. Latent class analysis was used for data analysis. Our results showed that: (1) Three types of families were identified (i.e., families with consistently high parent-and-child perceptions, families with high parents’ perceptions, and families with big father-child perception discrepancies); (2) Among the three types of families, families at higher SES levels were more likely to have consistently high parent-child perception; (3) There were significant differences in the subjective well-being and depression of children across different types of families. At both T1 and T2, children from families with consistently high parent-and-child perceptions have higher subjective well-being levels and lower depression levels.

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    Mechanism of Intent Amplifying Harmful Effects
    LIU Juan, YANG Yaping, XU Qiang
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (8):  460-470. 
    Abstract ( 123 )   PDF(pc) (1166KB) ( 711 )   Save

    This study aims to investigate the role and mechanism of blame motivation in the intent-magnifies-harm effect, and to draw on animal models to further explore methods for measuring blame motivation and its intensity. Experiment 1 showed that blame motivation plays a mediating role in the intent amplifying harmful effects, and moral judgment and blame motivation plays a chain intermediary role in the intent amplifying harmful effects. Experiment 2 showed that compared to unintentional harm, the blame motivation induced by intentional harm is stronger and longer-lasting , which follows the inverted U-shaped curve of motivation. The research indicates that the presence of blame motivation leads people to amplify the results of harm when encountering it, and also reveals that intent affects the moral judgments of perceivers regarding harmful behavior. Moral judgment triggers blame motivation, which plays a crucial role in the cognitive process of intent amplifying harmful effects. In addition, intentional harm triggers more intense blame motivation. By adapting the animal model experiment task, this study fills the gap in previous research on the intensity and trend of blame motivation induced by intent.

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    The Influence of Psychopathic Traits on College Students' Moral Judgment: An Exploration with the CNI Model
    YUN Xiang
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (8):  471-483. 
    Abstract ( 115 )   PDF(pc) (1304KB) ( 816 )   Save

    This study utilizes the Consequence, Norm, and Inaction (CNI) model to explore how the psychopathic traits impacts moral decision-making and the underlying mechanisms involved. A sample of 381 college students were recruited to participate, completing the Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale, the Perspective-Taking and Empathic Concern subscales of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index, and providing moral judgments for a series of specifically designed moral dilemmas. The results indicate a positive correlation between psychopathy trait and utilitarian moral judgment. Moreover, the study demonstrates that affective empathy partially mediates the relationship between psychopathic trait and moral decision-making. The analysis of the CNI model reveals that the psychopathy traits promotes utilitarian moral judgment by decreasing sensitivity to moral norms (N parameter) and the preference for inaction over action (I parameter). Furthermore, the findings suggest that affective empathy only partially mediates the effect of psychopathy trait on sensitivity to moral norms (N parameter).

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    The Relationship Between Rumination and Cognitive Failure in College Students: The Mediating Role of Depression
    ZHANG Di, CHEN Zhi Rou, LIU Xu
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (8):  484-491. 
    Abstract ( 242 )   PDF(pc) (1142KB) ( 1035 )   Save

    Cognitive failure is an important component of understanding an individual's daily cognitive state. To explore the mediating role of depression between rumination and cognitive failure in college students, 1828 college students were investigated with cognitive failure questionnaire, ruminative responses scale and self-rating depression scale. The results showed that:(1) The cognitive failure level of girls was significantly higher than that of boys; (2) Compared with urban address, the cognitive failure level of college students with rural address was significantly higher; (3) Rumination, depression and cognitive failure were significantly positively correlated; (4) Rumination can not only directly and positively predict college students' cognitive failure, but also affect college students' cognitive failure level through the mediation of depression.

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    Influencing Factors of Sibling Rivalry: An Analysis Based on Individual and Nurturer Perspectives
    CAO Rui, CAO Xiaojun
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (8):  492-503. 
    Abstract ( 193 )   PDF(pc) (1320KB) ( 993 )   Save

    Sibling rivalry refers to a family in which two or more individuals with the same parents compete with each other to gain more attention, affection, and recognition from other family members, exhibiting physiological or psychological exclusionary behaviors. The influencing factors of sibling rivalry are discussed in intra-individual, inter-individual, and nurturer dimensions, on this basis, and combined with attachment theory, psychoanalytic theory, and family systems theory, a hypothetical model of the influencing mechanism of sibling rivalry is constructed in order to analyze sibling rivalry in multiple dimensions and levels. Future research needs to further pay attention to the study of intervention and prevention of sibling rivalry, focus on the positive effects of sibling rivalry and view sibling rivalry from a developmental perspective.

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    New Exploration of Cognitive Enhancement Technology: Towards Life 3.0
    LIU Tongwei, CHEN Wei
    Psychology: Techniques and Application. 2023, 11 (8):  504-512. 
    Abstract ( 518 )   PDF(pc) (1254KB) ( 1398 )   Save

    The revival of scientific convergence science research promotes humanity to further advance on the path of reshaping life forms. As an attempt to move towards the Life 3.0 stage, cognitive enhancement integrates many disciplines such as cognitive science, neuroscience, biology, genetics, etc., and intervenes or transforms the human brain based on neuroplasticity. Based on its convergence research background, cognitive enhancement can be divided into four technical paths: pharmacological enhancement, genetic enhancement, neural stimulation enhancement, and cyborg enhancement. Each path has a solid research foundation and diverse application scenarios. The development of emerging technologies challenges the traditional binary human-technology relationship, and the relationship between human and technology gradually develops from “discrete” to “symbiotic”. In the future, the arrival of the Singularity will announce that we will officially enter Life 3.0 and open a new chapter of the human-technology relationship.

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