心理技术与应用 ›› 2019, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (6): 340-345.doi: 10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2019.06.003

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  1. (宁夏大学教育学院,银川 750021)
  • 出版日期:2019-06-01 发布日期:2019-05-30

Attentional Blink Effect of Safety Warning Signal Words

  1. (School of Education, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, China)
  • Online:2019-06-01 Published:2019-05-30

摘要: 安全风险信号词的快速识别能够警示危险信息。在注意资源竞争时,安全风险信号词能否被优先捕获暂不明晰。因此,采用2(T2目标类型:安全风险信号词,中性词)×3(时间间隔:232ms,348ms,464ms)的实验设计,使用快速序列视觉呈现范式(RSVP)考察被试在认知资源有限条件下安全风险信号词是否存在注意瞬脱现象。结果发现:(1)与T2目标为中性词相比,安全风险信号词的识别正确率更高;(2)T2目标的识别正确率随时间间隔的增加而提高;(3)在时间间隔为232ms时,出现注意瞬脱效应且在安全风险信号词和中性词上差异不显著,但随着时间间隔的增加,安全风险信号词的识别正确率显著高于中性词并存在显著差异。因此,安全风险信号词对注意瞬脱效应具有削弱作用。

关键词: 注意瞬脱, RSVP范式, 安全风险信号词

Abstract: Quick identification of safety warning signal words can alert dangerous information. It is not clear whether the safety warning signal words have a priority when there is a resource competition in attention. Current study conducted a 2 (T2 target type: safety warning signal words, neutral words)×3 (time interval: 232ms, 348ms, 464ms) within-subject design with rapid serial visual presentation paradigm, and inspected attentional blink effect of safety warning signal words when the cognitive resource is limited. Results showed that compared to T2 targets were neutral, the accuracy rate of T2 recognition of safety risk signal words under T1 correct recognition condition was higher; The accuracy rate of T2 was improved when the time interval were enlarged; when the time interval was 232ms, the attentional blink effect appeared and there was no significant difference between the safety warning signal words and the neutral words. However, with the increase of the time interval, the recognition accuracy of the safety warning signal words was significantly higher than neutral words and there was a significant difference. We concluded that safety warning signal words weakens the attention blink.

Key words: attentional blink, RSVP diagram, safety warning signal words


  • B842.5
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