心理技术与应用 ›› 2022, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (3): 129-153.

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  • 出版日期:2020-03-01 发布日期:2022-05-06

Report on Basic Characteristics of Chinese Citizens’ Financial Literacy

  • Online:2020-03-01 Published:2022-05-06



关键词: 财经素养, 财经价值观, 经济人指数, 社会人指数


Precisely assessing the status and characteristics of Chinese citizens’ financial literacy is essential to design national economic policies and improve individual financial well-being. The present research adopted the Financial Literacy Tests (FLTs) based on the triarchic theory to investigate the financial literacy of Chinese citizens with a nationally representative sample of 10,058 participants from 31 provinces (or municipalities/autonomous regions). The descriptive statistics of the scores on the five tests of FLTs and the derived indexes of homo economicus, homo sociologicus, and whole financial literacy could be used as norms of the FLTs. It was also found that there was a differentiation phenomenon of people’s performances as a homo economicus and a homo sociologicus, which occurred on the levels of provinces, groups with different demographic characteristics, and individuals. Specifically, those provinces, groups, or individuals with high indexes of homo economicus did not necessarily exhibit high indexes of homo sociologicus. Therefore, if policy-makers and financial educators need to design economic policies and financial literacy education projects, they are strongly recommended to consider the balance of indexes of homo economicus and homo sociologicus seriously.

Key words: financial literacy, financial values, index of homo economicus, index of homo sociologicus


  • B849
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