心理技术与应用 ›› 2024, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (8): 457-468.

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  • 出版日期:2024-08-01 发布日期:2024-07-29

Measuring Game Self-Regulation and Its relationship with Esports Expertise

  • Online:2024-08-01 Published:2024-07-29


自我调节是通过调节自身认知和行为来实现目标的过程,其与游戏专长及表现关系密切。为探讨自我调节与电竞专长的潜在关系,研究1招募535名大学生游戏玩家,修订了中文版游戏自我调节量表。研究2考察了112名《 英雄联盟》 玩家的游戏自我调节与游戏排名的相关关系。研究3检验了28名《王者荣耀》职业选手与28名业余玩家的游戏自我调节差异。结果发现,中文版游戏自我调节量表具有较好的信度与效度;游戏自我调节可预测6.9%~9.3%的游戏排名;职业选手的游戏自我调节水平高于业余玩家。修订后的游戏自我调节量表验证了游戏自我调节和电竞专长的积极联系,为电竞评估、选材提供了新的测量工具。

关键词: 自我调节, 游戏玩家, 职业选手, 电子竞技, 专长


Self-regulation is the process of adjusting one's cognition and behavior to achieve goals. It is closely related to learning, sports performance, and more. Exploring the Measurement and Application of Self-regulation in the Esports Community Based on Self-regulation Theory. Study 1 surveyed 535 college student gamers and revised the Chinese version of the Game Self-Regulation Scale (GSRS). Study 2 investigated the relationship between game self-regulation and ranking performance among 112 "League of Legends" gamers. Study 3 examined differences in game self-regulation between 28 professional "Honor of Kings" players and 28 amateur gamers. The results revealed that: (1) The Chinese version of the Game Self-Regulation Scale demonstrates good reliability and validity; (2) Game self-regulation can predict 6.9~9.3% of player rankings; (3) Esports professionals exhibit higher game self-regulation than amateur gamers. The positive association between gaming self-regulation and e-sports expertise was validated through the revised Gaming Self-Regulation Scale, which provides a new measurement tool for e-sports assessment, selection, and research.

Key words: self-regulation, gamers, professional players, esports, expertise


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